

We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Call on Tuesday, October 6th at 9am PDT / 12pm EDT / 16:00 UTC / 6pm CEST.  We will hear from Professor Toby Hudson about Entity Explosion, a browser extension which allows you to get information about entities on the web page you’re visiting. By clicking on the Entity Explosion icon in your browser you can get information about that entity, and an “explosion” of links to other sites about that same entity. If you can't make it, the recording will be added to the agenda when it's available. The call details are below.


Call Details:

Date and Time: Tuesday, June 30th at 9am PDT / 12pm EDT / 16:00 UTC / 6pm CEST (Time zone converter)

Zoom link to join meeting: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/93779777356?pwd=cXphMlBBUHlXVWZnNm9rbElZc2JLdz09

Password: 890519

Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DI8UAx1wZFSNXgLq40RBTakNdaqGs89YfFaUBAude8U/


Take care and hope to see you on Tuesday!



On behalf of the LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group co-facilitators:


Alex Jung

Open Technology Specialist

University of Toronto Libraries