
I'd like to introduce a tool named Minority Translate (MT): http://translate.keeleleek.ee/wiki/Main_Page

It's designed for a quick content creation via rapid translation of big number of articles. Therefor it should be rather valuable for small wikis as it will help to speed up the creation of the basic structure of wiki.

It's a CAT tool, that works with every language including the ones in Incubator. That means it will help to speed up the process and it's excellent for automation of translation for repetitive parts of the text, but it isn't a magic toy, that will do the translation on itself (machine translation for small languages is still much in the realms of sci-fi). Nevertheless, the tool interacts with a linguistic corpus, where the translation data is gathered. With this we try to form a language resource for descriptive studies and technological applications. This is already something that may one day prove helpful for creating a fully automatic translation for languages in question.

This tool is still in beta phase. More testing = faster the progress. So you can help!

Using/ testing this tool:
1) make sure that you have the newest java installed (https://www.java.com/en/download/) [not necessary for Linux users]
2) download the program (http://translate.keeleleek.ee/download/)
3) start the program and select your preferences
4) Add stuff for translation ("Articles" --> "Add..."). Example: select "Add Article List", take "English" as from-language and start typing in "100
great Estonians of the 20th century". After pressing "Ok" it would load in all of the articles in that list from English Wikipedia that exist there.
5) Start translating.
6) When an article has been translated, then press "upload" (log-in required; program will upload articles under your own account and automatically link it to Wikidata)
7) Keep on going.

+ Please provide feedback on what you liked or didn't liked. If something doesn't work, then I'd need to know that to fix it. If you think something should be added to make the tool better, then I'm all ears (there's even a long list on thing to do: user feedback will help to decide on what should be done first).

With regards
Ivo Kruusamägi