Dear Sam,
Thank you, Joe and the whole team for all the contributions - seeing WMF Media Report to start including news from German, Italian, French, Spanish and even Russian-language sources is inspiring.
With some 30 Wikipedias in the languages of Russia, we could eventually start doing something similar on the national level.
2014-2015 Analytical tables for Wikipedias in the languages of Russia (*.xls) seem to imply that the number of Very Active Users (Monthly Edits>100) is key for successful development of all language editions in our part of the world, whilst Pageviews are mainly external PR efforts oriented.
We thus need to figure out ways to improve respective project mentions in Social and Traditional Media.
I have some experience with social media promotion of ttwiki & our colleagues in bawiki are quite successful in engaging regional news outlets, but any help or advice on how to improve and scale this up to cover all language editions is very welcome.
Main tools we have to develop respective capacity at the moment are:
WMRU's multilingual website initiative
* "Wikipedias in the languages of Russia" monthly bilingual newsletter (so far delivered manually) and
* Russian Wikinews initiative to support translation of articles into all languages of Russia 
Фаткуллин Ф.Н. Тел.+79274158066 skype:frhdkazan
11.02.2016, 05:06, "Samantha Lien" <>:
Hello Farhad,
Sorry for the delay, and I hope this note finds you well. We would love to have regular media coverage reports that represent all Wikimedia projects across languages. We unfortunately don't have capacity at the moment to include this as part of the regular media reports on ComCom. 
However, I'd be happy to share some of the tools we use in making these reports in case it's helpful. We most regularly use Google Alerts to keep track of and curate media coverage, while also manually searching Google News for stories using terms like "Wikipedia" "Wikimedia" "Wikimedia Commons" etc. 
I'm also passing along a tool Joe Sutherland built to format the media report and links to online articles:
I hope this is helpful, and let me know if I can clarify any of these points or answer any questions.

On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 7:59 AM, Фархад Фаткуллин <> wrote:
Dear Andrew and colleagues,
Thank you for the great job you are doing - all messages are useful, full of good ideas.
I wonder if WMF can somehow help in organizing similar Media monitoring and Communications effort to support for all language projects - maybe on a weekly or biweekly basis.
Based on my work with Wikipedias in the languages of Russia project, I would be particularly grateful for any help in finding a way to centralize this effort for the sake of all stateless nation language communities, whose Wikis usually don't have the manpower to do that independently.
Фаткуллин Ф.Н. Тел.+79274158066 skype:frhdkazan
02.02.2016, 23:00, "Andrew Sherman" <>:

Wikimedia Foundation Media Report: February 2, 2016

In today's report, redirects to Donald Trumps Wikipedia article, Commons pic of the day is a nude female, Scientific journal retracts research copied from Wikipedia entry, and more...

Andrew Sherman
Digital Communications Intern | Wikimedia Foundation

Wmfcc-l mailing list

Wmfcc-l mailing list

Samantha Lien
Communications | 
Wikimedia Foundation 
149 New Montgomery Street 
San Francisco, CA 94105