2017-07-02 17:56 GMT+02:00 MarcoAurelio <strigiwm@gmail.com>:
I however would like to submit that I feel that in the case of <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Proposals_for_closing_projects/Deletion_of_Afar_Wikipedia,_Wikibooks_and_Wiktionary> we could at least propose that aa.wikibooks and aa.wiktionary be deleted and its domains redirected to their respective Incubator test projects where it is more likely that we will get any contributing, if any. As proposer I know I am a bit biased but IMHO there's no reason to keep living Wikibooks and Wiktionary Afar, and the only reason to keep Wikipedia Afar is because sysadmins use it to run maintenance scripts that have to start somewhere. I such I'd like the commitee to consider MF-W proposed outcome in that proposal and instead approve to keep aawiki, but delete aa.wikibooks and aa.wiktionary, with the domain redirecting to their respective Incubator test projects.

As for <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Proposals_for_closing_projects/Deletion_of_Hiri_Motu_Wikipedia>, I don't understand why rejecting is being proposed here. There's majority support for it and it never had any content nor it is likely that the project will be opened in the next decade. Its database could be deleted and its domain could be redirected to the Incubator test project where contributing could happen instead that of a closed wiki.

I understood that aa.wikipedia was already taken out of the proposal.
I proposed the rejection of the deletions because the existence of the closed wikis doesn't do any harm while at the same time it seems that the deletion of a wiki is complicated work that is better to be avoided (at least that was my conclusion from the recent question of reopening or recreating nl.wikinews. If the developers tell us otherwise e.g. in T169450 I am willing to reconsider ofc). Yes, for these projects we probably won't see any reopening in the next decade, but then probably we also won't see any contributors in the next decade who would be inconvenienced by the wiki being there. It merely prevents a direct redirect aa.wikibooks.org->incubator:Wb/aa, however a link to Incubator is always there in the sitenotices. That said,

2017-07-03 1:16 GMT+02:00 Samuel Klein <meta.sj@gmail.com>:
> MF-W, for the never-started projects: is it possible to keep the database (to avoid technical issues) but redirect the domain to the incubator page?

I have no idea. It could be a good solution if deletion should indeed be avoided. I suppose we can ask that in T169450 as well.