Milosh stop.

On 17 May 2017 at 18:13, Milos Rancic <millosh@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 4:46 PM, Michael Everson <everson@evertype.com> wrote:
> On 17 May 2017, at 15:23, Milos Rancic <millosh@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> BTW, it's about ISO-639-3, not ISO-639-6 code.
>>> It is an ISO 639-2 code.
>> Even worse! They don't want to change the least sensible set of codes.
> What are you on about? It is the same code, in both ISO 639-2 and 639-3

Because SIL is at least sensible enough to have the policy to change
derogatory codes, while Congress Library is too white to be able to
comprehend that.

>> On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 2:30 PM, Michael Everson <everson@evertype.com> wrote:
>>> I received a response from a member of the JAC regarding “arn":
>>>> We received and considered a request for this about 5 years ago. I don't believe there was a formal vote, but it was generally disfavored by all on the JAC. I do not expect it would be approved in a second round of discussion, but they are welcome to submit it.
>> Fine. I don't think that one 80% white male 80% WASP institution should be in charge for something that affects the whole world.
> The membership of the ISO 639 JAC is specified in the standardization documents and has nothing to do with skin colour, sex, or religion. This sort of rhetoric is just bullshit in the present context.
> The code was assigned a long time ago. Standardizers are reluctant to change codes because the stability of standards is important. Your trying to whip this up into some sort of institutional or cultural prejudice against the speakers of Mapuche is unacceptable.

Michael, I will respond to this, but, please, keep in mind that you
are just embarrassing yourself by forcing this issue.

The fact that you are ignoring the fact that it *matters* who is
making *political* decisions is the part of not just ignorance, but of
very white and very racist "expert" narrative. If you are not able to
recognize that, just trust me that you should stop with that line of

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