I haven't checked very thoroughly, but it looks that the current content in the incubator is quite messy - there are a lot of ultra-short atticles about numbers, some pages in English, and some other problems. Do the authors pack to clean that up? I'd be happier of they started this cleanup right now, before approval, domain creation, and import.

בתאריך 26 בפבר׳ 2017 01:35 PM,‏ "Milos Rancic" <millosh@gmail.com> כתב:
So, it's been approved after the first expert confirmed that the
written material is indeed in particular language. Do you want to
proceed with the approval process? (I've marked it as approved on the
page Requests for new languages.)

Also, may you prepare a couple of paragraphs about Khowar people,
language and culture for the time when the wiki would be created to be
sent on wikimedia-l and on blog.wikimedia.org?

On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 9:50 AM, Satdeep Gill <satdeepgill@gmail.com> wrote:
> Another linguist has confirmed that the language is indeed khowar. Hence i
> propose the creation of this project.
> Regards
> Satdeep Gill
> ________________________________
> From: Henrik Liljegren <henrik@ling.su.se>
> Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 1:24:15 PM
> To: Satdeep Gill
> Subject: RE: Khowar Wikipedia analysis
> Hi Satdeep,
> It is indeed Khowar that is written in the sample page.
> Best,
> Henrik
> From: Satdeep Gill [mailto:satdeepgill@gmail.com]
> Sent: 11 February 2017 02:39
> To: Henrik Liljegren <henrik@ling.su.se>
> Subject: Khowar Wikipedia analysis
> Hi Henrik,
> Khowar Wikipedians have been trying to build a Wikipedia in Khowar langauge.
> The project, as of now, is at Incubator. Can you confirm if the language
> written in actually Khowar or something else ?
> Here is a list to all the pages in this project:
> https://incubator.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:PrefixIndex/Wp/khw/
> Or just have a look at this random page:
> https://incubator.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wp/khw/الطاف_حسین_حالی
> Hoping to hear soon from you. This will help people speaking Khowar to have
> a separate Wikipedia project.
> --
> Regards
> Satdeep Gill
> Language Committee
> Wikimedia Foundation
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