Hi Yongmin,

בתאריך יום ג׳, 7 באוג׳ 2018, 16:25, מאת Yongmin H. ‏<lists@revi.pe.kr>:
Please inform Stewards' Noticeboard (and possibly CVN people), at least. This sounds like a lot more work for us.

Yes, there will be more consultations. It's just the beginning.

Just a side note: I sometimes think langcom is just creating more work for stewards and SWMT members without taking a look at the inactive projects that can be closed, but I don't have an example to show you. (So treat it as such)

Sure, I can imagine some problems with small wikis, unfortunately. They are an opportunity for bringing more knowledge to humanity, but also a challenge because of their special nature—few or zero writers, few readers, and so on. I'd love to hear particular examples and suggestions for improvement. 

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2018. 7. 28. 00:29, Steven White <Koala19890@hotmail.com> 작성:

I don't know if the community discussion should be on Incubator (and advertised at Meta [and Beta]), on Meta (and advertised on Incubator [and Beta]), or if there should be two. And when do we start it? Thoughts?
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