Wiktionary Melanau (langcode mel): Proposer created one page (in English) on Incubator in 2011, then left. (That page was subsequently deleted as "wrong language".) Propose to close as stale.

Wiktionary Bhojpuri (langcode bho): Healthy, active test, clearly eligible, and I will mark it so. 

Wiktionary Nogai (and Wikipedia Nogai) (langcode nog): The Wp test on Incubator has recently returned to activity, but a Wiktionary test was never started.  The only really active member of the Wikipedia test community has told me he has no intention of working on a Wiktionary now. Will mark Wikipedia eligible and will close Wiktionary as stale.

Wiktionary Hawaiian (langcode haw): Test has recently returned to activity. Clearly eligible.

Wiktionary Sri Lankan Creole Malay (langcode sci): Mostly an oral language; enwiki article describes attempts to write the language as "rare". Proposer never followed up, but still seems active on enwiki. Have queried this user and will report any response later.


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