Today, I marked eight Wikipedia requests that have been on hold since November a year ago as rejected/stale, as there were no test projects created for any of them.

With only one exception, I addressed all the remaining Wikiquote and Wikivoyage requests begun before 2019 that had not been addressed. All were eligible, except for two Wikivoyages rejected as stale. The one request not addressed was for a Wikivoyage in Southern Balochi, which is tied up in the same language question as the pending old Wikipedia requests in Balochi languages. Except for that one case, there are now no unaddressed requests for Wikibooks, Wikinews, Wikiquote, Wikivoyage or Wikiversity projects that were originally created before 2019.

There are still old requests for Wikipedias and Wiktionaries, and I will start working on those again shortly.


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