1. Wiktionary Sri Lankan Creole Malay (langcode sci): Mostly an oral language; enwiki article describes attempts to write the language as "rare". Proposer never followed up, but was still active on enwiki as of two months ago. However, I have received no response on my inquiry to the proposer, so I am closing as "stale". Note: this is the final open non-Wikipedia request from 2011 or earlier. 

2. Someone working on Wiktionary Kurdish (Sorani) (request open since 2012) asked me if there was a problem with this request, since last month we marked the Wikinews request in that language eligible. I replied that there was not, and that I was simply working through the backlog in chronological order.  But since there are people working on this test now, I'm going ahead and marking it as eligible.


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