This is great. So we are in a good shape to move from only an access program to new projects to something more. 

It would help when the notes from the Berlin meeting are published; it allows me and others who were not there understand the thinking at that time.

On 20 April 2017 at 23:05, Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees <WMFboard@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Dear Milos Rancic,

The board trusts the Language Committee to conduct its work by simple majority, or however it sees fit. There is nothing in your Charter about how you are supposed to reach the decision, so you can change your practice (and maybe work on improvements of your Charter).

The eligibility rules for approving the projects have not been changed, so it seems that the revision of the way the Committee organises its work will not result in a major and rapid change in the rate of approvals of language projects. If there is a desire to remodel the rules themselves, the board would like to have that explained and justified so that we can approve it or not first.

And thank you very much for your important work!

Yours sincerely,
Nataliia Tymkiv

Wikimedia Foundation
Board of Trustees
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04/06/2017 11:33 - Milos Rancic написав(-ла):

> Dear Board members,
> On behalf of the fellow Language committee members, I am sending the
> following request to you:
> During more than a decade of its existence, Language committee's main task
> was to block creation of the projects. Having in mind that goal and the
> fact that the capacities of the Wikimedia movement at that time were not
> linguistically strong, the main rule related to the decision-making process
> inside of the Language committee was consensus.
> Language policy is different today than it was at the time of creation. We
> have established a common sense practice based on the situation then. As a
> result, we ask the Board to reconsider the rule of consensus inside of the
> Language committee and allow it to make decisions by majority,
> supermajority or other methods defined by the committee itself.
> Milos
Langcom mailing list