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Wikimedia Incubator <wiki@wikimedia.org> schrieb am Di., 8. Mai 2018, 01:37:
Hi. In reaction to your LangCom mail concerning the Piedmontese Wikisource, I'd like to react.

As I'm not familiar with the protocol for non-members I send you an email so you can always forward it to the mailing list.

As can be read on user talk pages on Oldwikisource, I've been relatively involved with this particular project. I have helped them to introduce categorization including the remark that it would be easier for exporting to a future subdomain. I also made sure several prefixed pages from "Main Page/Piemontèis/" were moved to unprefixed pages to make sure they will land correctly in the possible future subdomain.

I never heard a voice against an own subdomain and considering that they started on the incubator instead of Oldwikisource, I think it's safe to assume they will  be happy in their subdomain and that that is their ultimate goal.

Ofcourse, to be sure it is just one simple talk page message to the main contributor :)

Arjan (Ooswesthoesbes)

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