Truthfully, I'm not, either. But the "problem", if you will, is that they have five consecutive months of sufficient activity, they've added to the interface translation, and at least a decent fraction of pages have real content. In short, they've done everything we ask according to the rules as written. They feel they've earned this approval. So as things stand now, it feels to them like we're just being arbitrary; they have no idea what they're working toward. And I don't really want to lose them over what looks to be an arbitrary decision on our part.
To this point, I told them that I'd come back to LangCom when there are 200 main space pages, but even at that I don't know if you think that's "enough". For the record, as of today, the smallest Wikivoyage other than Hindi is Ukrainian, with 638 pages. So maybe half of that (~300) is a reasonable target.
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Message: 2
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2018 22:10:08 +0100
From: MF-Warburg <>
To: Wikimedia Foundation Language Committee
Subject: Re: [Langcom] Pashto Wikivoyage
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I am not really a fan of that. To me the most important thing is continuous
2017-12-28 4:02 GMT+01:00 Steven White <>:
> MF-W (or anyone else): Can I provide the Pashto Wikivoyage community
> with a target? Remember: there is no "minimum project size" formally stated
> in the policy. And that community has done absolutely everything we have
> asked of it.
> Steven
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