Thank you

On 28 October 2015 at 19:10, Michael Everson <everson@evertype.com> wrote:

1. Name of requester: Michael Everson
2. E-mail address of requester: everson @ evertype.com
3. Record Requested:

  Type:   variant
  Subtag: wpsimple
  Description: Wikipedia Simple English
  Prefix: en

4. Intended meaning of the subtag:

The subtag is intended to represent the controlled language used on http://simple.wikipedia.org. This language is a mix of Basic English, VOA Special English, and some more guidelines.

5. Reference to published description of the language (book or article):

Wikipedia:Simple English Wikipedia https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Simple_English_Wikipedia

Wikipedia:How to write Simple English pages https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:How_to_write_Simple_English_pages

6. Any other relevant information:

Problem: The Simple English Wikipedia uses "simple" for the domain (simple.wikipedia.org) and "en" for its language. This is a problem because:
* The domain is different from the language code.
* The language code is the same as in the English Wikipedia.

These two problems definitely create several issues for the ContentTranslation extension and possibly other components. It's possible to work around them, but it's better to straighten things out by changing the language code.

This will lead to en-wpsimple.wikipedia.org

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