Strongly in favour.

On Mon, 4 Mar 2019 at 17:43, Steven White <Koala19890@hotmail.com> wrote:
Previous discussions have not resulted in a consensus to approve this project. I am therefore putting it to a vote. 

The project meets the nominal requirements for final approval:
  • It has about 7,500 pages.
  • For November-February, it had over ten registered editors in each month with at least ten edits. (In fact, it had at least four in each month, and usually more, with at least 100 edits.)
    • There was a period in 2016-17 when most months had at least three editors with at least ten edits.
    • March 2019 already has four editors with at least ten edits, three of whom have at least 100—and it's only the fourth day of the month.
    • These statistics do not include some pages and contributions in the category "Hindi" (as opposed to the core category "हिन्दी").
  • Of the approximately 3,700 translations in MediaWiki Core, only four are untranslated.
MF-W has two principal objections.  (If I have not stated these with sufficient clarity, please correct me.)
  • First, he sees no reason to rush—if the project stays active it will be approved in due course. 
    • I would respond to that as follows: Perhaps that is true. But if anything, I see many complaints on-wiki that it takes a long time for LangCom to decide on things, so that frequently people get tired of waiting and move on. If a project ceases to be active in general, that's one thing. But if it ceases to be active because we routinely fail to act, that's another thing entirely.
    • Related, MF-W feels that perhaps three months of activity is not sufficient to prove an active community exists. If so, we should discuss that separately. But based on long-standing practices here, that is the advice that I give on-wiki. Until we decide on a different standard, it's only fair for us to follow that one.
  • Second, he is still not fully convinced that we need separate language subdomains for Wikisource. Again, that is a subject for a different discussion, but the Hindi Wikisource community has been working with the current rules in mind.
There is nothing about this vote that triggers the need for a 2/3 majority. So a simple majority will decide. Please vote even if you have commented previously on this subject. The vote will close seven days after this email is posted—meaning at approximately 16:40 UTC on 11 March.


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