
What exactly do you mean when you say "SIL International has recognized Tunisian Arabizi as a Latin Script for Tunisian"?

Do you have a link to an article that explains this?

Amir Elisha Aharoni · אָמִיר אֱלִישָׁע אַהֲרוֹנִי
‪“We're living in pieces,
I want to live in peace.” – T. Moore‬

2016-05-06 13:21 GMT+03:00 abdelwaheb turki <turkiabdelwaheb@hotmail.fr>:

Dear Mr.,
I thank you for your interest in our work. Even if it has not developed online in these months, it has certainly developed offline.
The problem of Script has been solved as SIL International has recognized Tunisian Arabizi as a Latin Script for Tunisian. So, we can create the Tunisian WIkipedia in Latin Script mainly because it is the most used writing method online. I have seen the discussion of the committee in http://langcom.wikimedia.narkive.com/OjenAzCc/languages-that-are-arabic. I have to tell Mr. Gerard Meijssen that Arabizi can be converted to Arabic Script if we add to it the guidelines I created and that are explained in the work about Tunisian Arabic in English Wikipedia. So, I can developed a slightly modified version of Arabizi that is convertible to Arabic Script in months. However, I need to have the test wiki changed to LTR and I also need to change the Latin Script name of Tunisian as Tounsi.
Yours Sincerely,
Houcemeddine Turki

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