I see no problems here either. Obviously however interwiki links wouldn't work when the wiki doesn't exist yet (see also <https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Requests_for_comment/Items_for_Wikimedia_projects_besides_Wikipedia#Incubator_pages>).
I don't see any reason why WD shouldn't allow all languages, and have often wondered why it doesn't already. So I would heartily support a recommendation like this.2013/5/27 Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen@gmail.com>_______________________________________________GerardI hope you can agree with this and when we do, we can recommend this to the Wikimedia board.This is explicitly including any and all artificial language and dead languages. I expect that one of the next phases of Wikidata will be using it for lexicon related functionalities including searching for pictures in Commons.I am of the opinion that Wikidata is not only a tool serving Wikipedias but it can be and will be so much more. It is for this reason that I propose that the language committee allows the use of any language in Wikidata that has an ISO-639-3 code.Hoi,At the hackathon in Amsterdam I discussed the use of Wikidata for any and all languages.
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