Over the course of the last month (June 19-July 19, there has been a lengthy discussion on Meta about a proposal to close Simple English Wikipedia (SEWP) and merge its contents into English Wikipedia in a way that would make access to "Simple" content easier, with a higher profile.  I am going to do my best to summarize that discussion here, but I strongly urge all LangCom members to look at the discussion directly. Page is here.

The following arguments were offered in favor of closing and merging (~35 !votes):

The following arguments were offered in opposition to closing (~90 !votes):

I offer the following personal comments related to technical and policy issues:

One thing that both sides agree on is that Simple English content would be better used within Wikipedia if there were closer integration between SEWP and English Wikipedia. There are different ideas as to how to accomplish this, and in particular a big difference of opinion as to whether the connections should be between two independent projects or done as an integration of Simple English content into English Wikipedia. But everyone agrees that something along these lines would be worthwhile.

I would offer the following as a preliminary idea on closing this request:

I will leave this proposal here for a week, or until discussion dies down.


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