André is now subscribed to the list. Welcome!

Am 06.04.2017 5:03 nachm. schrieb "Oliver Stegen" <>:


André, you're very welcome!

On 06-Apr-17 13:24, Milos Rancic wrote:
Andre, sorry for delay in responding...

May we add Andre to the list and welcome him as the new member of the Language committee?

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 2:54 AM, André Müller <> wrote:
Greetings, dear LangCom group,

Michael asked me if I'd be interested in this position and indeed I am, although I am not exactly sure yet what it entails.

So, I'm André, I'm 32 years old, from Germany, and a doctoral student at the University of Zurich. I studied linguistics and Chinese studies and am studying the languages of mainland Southeast Asia, of Myanmar in particular. The languages of this area (roughly Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, and parts of southern China, such as Yunnan) are a main interest of me, and I'm doing research on them. I speak Mandarin Chinese and Thai, and I am currently learning Burmese, Vietnamese as well as two minority languages of Burma (Jinghpaw and Shan).
I used to be an active Wikipedian, edited many articles and wrote a few ones myself (e.g. most of, but recently don't have much more time for more than minor edits and corrections. If I can be of help as someone experienced with the languages of mainland Southeast Asia, of different scripts, orthographies, linguistic features, I'm willing to provide as much help as my schedule currently allows.

Best wishes from Switzerland,
- André

2017-02-13 0:13 GMT+01:00 Michael Everson <>:
Please ask him :-)

I’ve cc’d him here.

> On 12 Feb 2017, at 11:57, Milos Rancic <> wrote:
> As André hasn't applied for the membership, I worded the proposal a
> little bit differently.
> The main point behind my proposal is that it's very hard to find that
> kind of areal linguist.
> It would be good if Michael would tell us a bit more about him.
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