You have painted yourself in a corner by being abusive. Your bullying and insistence on being on the moral highground damaged us as a group.

What did you achieve? Who did you serve? Why should I take you serious after all this?

Op vr 19 mei 2017 om 01:54 schreef Milos Rancic <millosh@gmail.com>
On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 11:42 PM, Oliver Stegen <oliver_stegen@sil.org> wrote:
> For the record:
> I'm opposed to changing arn to qmp for the reasons given by Gerard and
> Michael already.
> Otherwise, I have no time to follow the unacceptable exchanges. I do expect
> appropriate apologies from Milos.
> For now, I will remain silent on LangCom until proper behaviour has
> returned.

Appropriate apologies could come exclusively if I see that there is an
effort in addressing institutional racism. Instead of that, I could
see just denial and clique "voting". Thanks for that.

This issue will have long-term consequences and it is not going to
disappear over night.

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