_______________________________________________Hello! I didn't receive a reply from the person I mailed on March 31. Further info in private.Sotiale Wiki <sotiale.wm@gmail.com> schrieb am Do., 28. Apr. 2022, 11:10:Hi, Jon Harald Søby.Please see the private list. I remember MF-W mailed the expert (Show up, MF-W!).I also hope this project can be approved soon :DSotiale_______________________________________________2022년 4월 28일 (목) 오전 1:48, Jon Harald Søby <jhsoby@gmail.com>님이 작성:Any update on this, Sotiale? (Did Ninjastrikers reply?) The activity has remained stable, so I would like to approve it as soon as possible.lør. 29. jan. 2022 kl. 11:48 skrev Sotiale Wiki <sotiale.wm@gmail.com>:Like the Shan language, it appears to be one of the indigenous languages spoken in the Shan State of Burma. How did you contact the experts when you previously approved Wt/shn?(+ I just sent Ninjastrikers an inquiry to see if they could recommend an expert..)Sotiale_______________________________________________2022년 1월 29일 (토) 오후 7:31, Amir E. Aharoni <amir.aharoni@mail.huji.ac.il>님이 작성:The activity looks OK, and the language is eligible. I am not sure where to find an expert, though. Ideas?..
Amir Elisha Aharoni · אָמִיר אֱלִישָׁע אַהֲרוֹנִי
“We're living in pieces,
I want to live in peace.” – T. Moore_______________________________________________בתאריך שבת, 29 בינו׳ 2022 ב-12:29 מאת Sotiale Wiki <sotiale.wm@gmail.com>:Dear Language committee members,_______________________________________________Hello. Yes, as always, I hope you are doing well.I would like to ask for comments on the approval of Wp/blk. It has been active since September 2021, and it has been 5 months(including Jan 2022) that 3 or more editors have been active[1]; 09/21 ~ 01/22: 5, 6, 7, 6, 7. This is of course expected to continue into February, given the number and activity of their contributors. There are about 1689 pages including templates.Most used core messages have already been translated[2]. The request has already been submitted[3].I would like to ask for your opinion on the approval of this, thank you for your consideration.Kind regards,Sotiale
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--_______________________________________________mvhJon Harald Søby
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