2017-05-17 14:51 GMT+03:00 Milos Rancic <millosh@gmail.com>:

=== Look & feel of Incubator ===

It was raised by, I think, Oliver (and Michael?) that Incubator looks
horrible for an average user :) I mean, it looks perfectly fine for an
average Wikipedian, but quite confusing to anyone who doesn't know the
internal dynamics of MediaWiki pages :D

The conclusion was that it would be good to contact WMF and ask for QA
help in relation to how to make Incubator pages more convenient to new

(I have a note "incubator and programming", but I think it's about QA
help. Anyone remembers something different?)

By complete coincidence, I created this earlier today, and it's quite related:

To clarify:
* This is a big and long-term task.
* The fact that it's filed does not by itself mean that the WMF is committed to assigning a budget to it. It's just a convenient (at least to me) way to write down ideas.
* What is written there at the moment are my own impressions and my own suggestions for improvement. Other people here and elsewhere may have different ideas.

=== Phabricator task into the project ===

Amir should convert the tracking task on Phabricator into a project.
Our mailing list should be subscribed to relevant
tasks/tickets/projects, making all of us informed about the state of
particular request.

It should be easy, but can you please remind me which one?

I can think of these two, which are already on the way to conversion:

(Although once the conversion is completed, they should be organized as workboards. I'll be happy to that.)

Are there any other tasks that need this handling?