Buen día amigos y amigas, les reenvío este mensaje a petición de Felix.

Dear members of the movement,

As work with libraries grow rapidly across our movement, The Wikipedia Library (TWL) is attempting to learn more about your existing partnerships with Libraries globally. We are willing to help you explore other ways of using such partnerships and expand your activities with them.

I am also happy to assist in setting up on wiki Wikipedia Library branches and am ready to support existing TWL branches on the continent. It will be great to help any country who wishes to start a TWL branch in their language. Please don't hesitate to contact me on any issues concerning TWL.

The Wikipedia Library (TWL) is also supporting a newly forming usergroup for Wikipedians and librarians from all regions, and we ask members of the community who are interested in collaborating with Librarians/Wikipedians, to sign up on the meta page.[1] We encourage you to share this with people you know who may be interested and librarians around you.

You can also join our activities or follow us on social media to be updated on all that is happening in the world of Wikipedia + Libraries via:

Warm regards,

Iván Martínez
Presidente - Wikimedia México A.C.

// Mis comunicaciones respecto a Wikipedia/Wikimedia pueden tener una moratoria en su atención debido a que es un voluntariado.
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