That's where the AffCom sent the plan to. I and others here at the Wikimedia-l have been asking them to place it in some public location where it can be accessible to everyone.


Jaluj Wikipedista <> escreveu no dia terça, 4/09/2018 à(s) 18:01:
No permite acceder para leer. Deben poner enlaces accesibles.


On Mon, Sep 3, 2018, 07:56 <> wrote:

Dear all,

As part of the roadmap AffCom agreed with us after they decided to suspend some of our benefits within the Wikimedia Foundation programs (, Wikimedia Portugal held an Extraordinary General Assembly on the 1st of September, and a board was elected. This board is identical, with one exception, to the board elected in April of this year and that I announced in a similar message (

The board is now composed of:

  • Gonçalo Themudo, president

  • André Barbosa, treasurer

  • Ana Cravo, secretary

We also elected members for the other governing bodies of the chapter:

General Assembly

  • Paulo Santos Perneta, president

  • Carlos Barradas, secretary

  • João Carvalho, member

Fiscal Council

  • Waldir Pimenta, president

  • Manuel de Sousa, secretary

  • João Lemos, member

The general assembly also approved the financial statement of our annual report, which is published atórios/Anual/2017. An English translation is provided atórios/Anual/2017/en.

The minutes of the meeting are available at (in Portuguese only).

We are currently working on the final step of the roadmap, which is a plan for active contributor involvement and improved chapter capacity. The first part is to gather signatures of at least 20 chapter members who are active contributors to Wikimedia projects, which is currently underway at We will keep you informed of the second part, once we have developed it.

Best regards,


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