
the first IRC meeting Huggle (HuggleCon) will be on 4th March at 18:00 UTC.
Other timezones, see: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=HuggleCon&iso=20120304T18&ah=1

The topics are:
1. Developer conference part (30 minutes)

2.1 Beta-testers conference part (20-25 minutes)
     With the developers

2.2. Mini-Workshop (5-10 mins): How to test huggle correctly to find bugs?

3. Supporting (open end)
      Feel free to ask any contributors about Huggle

Thanks to all who participated in the doodle-poll. I'm glad to see you all soon.
The conference will be held in the IRC channel "#huggle".


Michael Movchin (mmovchin)
Volunteer Huggle core developer and conference coordinator