Agreed - remove it (when appropriate to do so). New Huggle users can be added to the whitelist.

On 19 Nov 2013 20:37, "Petr Bena" <> wrote:

I think there are some features that huggle 2 had and we don't need
anymore. One of them is a user list - restricting open source by user
list [1], while anyone can change the source to bypass it, makes no
sense. This feature itself is of no use, and there is little point in
implementing it to huggle 3.

If someone would really want to have it, create a pluging for it?

So, I think this and maybe some other features should not be included
in huggle 3.

Is there anything else, that you think is of no use in this moment,
that huggle 2 can do, but we don't really need to have in later

== References ==

[1] -

Huggle mailing list