Maybe we need another collabortion-tool. This jira.toolserver wasnīt easy to handle. I thing there are a lot others (open source) we should test. There should be a discussion-board for example (chat options?) The Wiki isnīt very comfortable for diskussions also. Is it possible to get an own server for the project itself? I think about tools like "SugarCRM" or "Moodle" and others, used as instruments  - we could evaluate wich one give us the best basics an how we can "encroached" them.


Am 08.06.2009 um 19:05 schrieb Brianna Laugher:

2009/6/9 Stefan Weber <>:
Hi Brianna,
itīs not the money, Iīm wondering what going on with the project
itself? No other round, the first round was closed before I could
asigned next illustration and so on. Isīt still alive?

I think it is safe to say that it won't continue in its current format
(how Round 1 was conducted). It is too time intensive to be done
properly, and having it done poorly would not benefit anyone IMO.

To explain a bit, I consider "done properly" to include
* evaluating suggestions
** for worthiness
** for suitability as illustration
** for availability of third party references
* finding self-suggestions when needed
* conducting moderately thorough check to make sure no free image
seems to exist yet
* describing the request sufficiently so that an illustrator has
enough information to understand what the request is for
* reviewing submissions, including
** checking against reliable third party references
** checking for basic SVG features (text as text, good colour contrasts)

So the question of "what next" is a bit up in the air. It's perhaps
possible that the scope of the project might be able to shift a bit,
although this is not certain. So I would say, if you have some
interesting idea about how to conduct a project like this, feel free
to the idea forward now.


They've just been waiting in a mountain for the right moment:

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