On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 6:37 PM, Gergo Tisza <gtisza@wikimedia.org> wrote:
That would mean setting $mediafile_job_throttle_max to 10 and setting $metadata_job_delay to 20 minutes

5 and 10 minutes, of course, since we want to limit to 10% of the 50 items in the new files page.

$wgJobBackoffThrottling['gwtoolsetUploadMediafileJob'] = 0.5;

Uh, that's jobs per second, so it should be 

$wgJobBackoffThrottling['gwtoolsetUploadMediafileJob'] = 30;

Also, throttling the controller job is probably better as that way it will not fill up the queue and error out when multiple people use GWToolset the same time.

So the correct version would be:

\GWToolset\Config::$mediafile_job_throttle_max = 10;
$wgJobBackoffThrottling['gwtoolsetUploadMetadataJob'] = 0.5;

(Since we are throttling the control job, not the workers, we don't need $metadata_job_delay which would be overridden by $wgJobBackoffThrottling anyway.)