
I finally completed the missing section of ComeOn's starter guide about external metadata: https://github.com/edouardhue/comeon/wiki/Demarrage.

I apologize for this guide not being translated in english yet. I'm getting in touch with translators at Wikimedia France to get things done.

I also plan to acquire a code signing certificate to get rid off Java's security warnings and cut a final release.

Meanwhile, I'm extremely interested in any kind of comment!



On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 3:29 PM, Arne Wossink <wossink@wikimedia.nl> wrote:
Hi Edouard,

Thank you, that was really helpful! I got the link between the image and the CSV to work. I will now start testing and adapting the template for the actual upload. I'll keep you updated.


Arne Wossink

Projectleider / Project Lead Wikimedia Nederland

(di, wo, do)

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2016-01-07 17:11 GMT+01:00 Edouard Hue <edouard.hue@gmail.com>:
Ok, a quick answer then :)

Here is an example from an upload we made at Wikimedia France in september. Metadata matching is done against the last column of the CSV file, which contains the exact name of the picture file. It could be any information available in the EXIF as well.

In ComeOn!, in the "open pictures" dialog, first pick the CSV file. The combo box will update with the column titles from the file (there is a bug here that won't refresh the combo when you select a file again without closing the dialog). Fill in the right field the expression that selects the field from the picture metadata to match. It may be any EXIF field (as show in the left pane of the main window when displaying a picture) or a special value from a reserved keyword (I need to document these), as "file.name". [1]
The "regular expression" and "substitution" fields may be used to transform the picture metadata before matching it against the file. The default is safe as it keeps the information as is, but you could use it to extract a part of the "fichier" column, add a prefix and a suffix and so on.

In the file description templates, metadata from the file may be inserted with this stance: "$external." appended with the CSV column title. After loading the pictures, if the matching was succesful, the "content" tab should show a proper page.

1 : https://www.flickr.com/photos/ehue/23605723883/ Open dialog example. See attachment for the example CSV used.
2 : https://www.flickr.com/photos/ehue/23605723803/ External metadata insertion in template
3 : https://www.flickr.com/photos/ehue/24124478782/ External metadata rendering



On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Arne Wossink <wossink@wikimedia.nl> wrote:
Hi Edouard,

Thank you for taking the time to respond!

The web start works for me; I had to whitelist the url in Java but otherwise it was fine. So as I said, I have trouble connecting an image with metadata on that image from a CSV file. It might already be helpful if you have some screen shots on how that works. If I can get that to work, this will really be helpful for some of our upcoming GLAM-projects (and one on which I am working now, and for which I hope to do an upload soon).


Arne Wossink

Projectleider / Project Lead Wikimedia Nederland

(di, wo, do)

Postadres:                                                  Bezoekadres:
Postbus 167                                                Mariaplaats 3
3500 AD  Utrecht                                         Utrecht

2016-01-07 15:13 GMT+01:00 Edouard Hue <edouard.hue@gmail.com>:
Hi there,

I was notified that ComeOn! was discussed here. I'm the author :-) Thank you for your intereste in my humble tool.

ComeOn! used to work with OpenJDK. I did not check lastly though, but it has no dependency on Oracle's proprietary parts of the JDK and works with Oracle's JDK 8. Java Web Start might be a pain 

I'm aware the most interesting part of the documentation part is missing. It was not such a problem as long as I was the only user, but times are changing. I'll do my best to write this part soon, but time is the critical resource. I'll try to send you later an exemple of how to use the feature.



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