Hi Fae,


Thanks for this – I will definitely have a look at your book uploads and try to work out what the best approach is. There would definitely be sufficient content for a batch upload project page at some point when we look at uploading larger digitised book, but for the time being I was hoping to start with a smaller-scale test batch.


To the best of my knowledge, the library has no djvu versions of their digitised books, only PDFs, and I’m not yet clear whether they would be suitable for upload (or, to be honest, whether I could make the case in the limited time left in post – they’ve become comfortable with individual images, but that took time to get across, and when I suggested uploading batches of PDFs I still met resistance).


It might be that book uploads are something that have to wait until Autumn, and they will be a separate batch upload project entirely. It’s sounding like that might be the better approach to take.


Thanks again!





Ally Crockford


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