Hi all, I could use some advice on a problem I'm having with prepping an upload... 

My batch of images contain descriptions written in a half-dozen languages, so I need to have different language tags for them. However, only SOME of the files have that metadata included (other times it's just blank so I can't help that). 

My metadata has these two elements, for example:
<description> lorem ipsum </description>
<language> en </language>

And, if I understand the documentation correctly, I need for it to be formatted in this way if I want to get the GWT to automatically wrap the language template:
<description lang='en'> lorem ipsum </description>

Question 1: Is that correct that I need to merge these two metadata fields in that way? Or, am I able to leave them as they currently are (that would be ideal!)

Question 2: If I DO have to merge them, how can I merge these two fields when only SOME of the records have a <language> tag at all? (recalling that I can't add the same tag to all the records because they're in multiple different languages).

I hope this makes sense... 


Peace, love & metadata