OK, I am not sure I understand the issue correctly, so I'll just throw out some notes:

* I do not count the pageviews. They are counted by the Wikimedia Foundation, I just use them as-is.

* The official definition of page views seems to be at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Analytics/Pageviews

* AFAIK, the data before 2015-12 used only desktop views; the new one uses also mobile, but removes "views" by bots and crawlers.

* Not sure what the "bounce" feature is; the preview thing in the mobile app? Or the MediaViewer? (I believe page views count neither of those)

Finally, a "view" in the baglama2 tool means an image was included on a page that a human loaded in his/her browser. I have no data if that image was actually on the screen ("below the fold", no scrolling), but since "important" images in an article tend to be near the top, I just count the page view.

Hope that helps,

On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 2:19 PM Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki@gmail.com> wrote:
Hans Muller, 18/01/2016 14:52:
> As far as i can see, the API does not answer the bounce question.

The API talks of pageviews
https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/pageviews_API ; your question is
IMHO the wrong one, i.e. "how can we estimate how many pageviews are
real?". The real question is "how many times are the files actually seen?".

To answer the real question, you have to use mediacounts instead:
You can see an example at
The results are very similar to what baglama yields, for this specific
case (BEIC media).


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