Very interesting, thanks for posting! The TED dataset is also quite interesting for Wikidata, because we are missing the generic concepts behind many Wikipedia articles. Most people complain that Wikipedia tends to dive into indepth information without giving adequate coverage in an overview article. Many overview articles have grown beyond normal viewing capacity on a mobile phone and probably should be split into 2nd and 3rd tier wikipages giving explanations about branches of the subject. To see what I mean, try viewing the English Wikipedia article for "Insurance" on your phone.
The TED talks touch on many of such missing subject items and it would be nice to crowdsource the creation of them. Your project could be possibly be a way to direct contributors to quick explanations and/or uses of such concepts. The fact that many TED talks are transcribed into so many different languages means we may be able to harness these translations for use in Wikidata labels. At least that is what I hope. Without labels, nothing is findable on Wikidata and that is why we still are so slow interlinking linkable items.
If your initiative takes off, it may be interesting to apply it to our own set of film media on Commons, but very little of that has been linked to Wikidata yet.