Hi guys,
Please help me understand this structure.
This year all works of Piet Mondriaan entered the public domain in most countries in the world (he died in 1944). If I understand the URAA these works will probably not enter the Public Domain, However I do see a lot of Mondriaan images on
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piet_Mondrian all hosted on Wikimedia Commons.
So how can Mondriaan’s work be present on Wikimedia Commons and the English Wikipedia?
Is this an oversight, that we should just let rest, or am I misunderstanding how Commons deals with the US laws and Public Domain in other countries?
Kind regards,
Maarten Zeinstra
Kennisland |
www.kl.nl | t +31205756720 | m +31643053919 | @mzeinstra
Hi Romaine,
it might be useful for people who intend to upload new public domain content to Wikimedia Commons, to have a look at
Thanks to URAA, not all files that are in the public domain in any given country are automatically in the public domain in the US as well.
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