Dear GLAMwiki community,
This is a quick 'for your information' announcement, on behalf of Europeana, to say that a 2017 sequel to the 2015 European GLAMwiki Coordinators meeting[1] is now confirmed. two-day meeting will be hosted at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris on 16 & 17 February (with a third day for practical training workshops hosted by WM-France). The goal is to share skills and best practices, coordinate projects, and consolidate connections between parts of our movement involved in GLAM outreach.
As this a functionaries meeting, not an outreach conference, attendance numbers are limited to those who have responsibility for coordinating GLAM activities at a European Wikimedia affiliate organisation - staff, board or designated volunteer. Nevertheless, as with 2015, both the advance-planning and post-event documentation will be published on Meta as best as we can make it.
If your Wikimedia affiliate has a GLAM coordinator and would like to attend, please get in contact with any of us off list.
Liam Wyatt (Europeana), John Cummings (WiR - UNESCO), & Rémy Gerbet (WM-France)