Hey All, 

I wanted to share with you a conversation that the legal team is starting below, where they are discussing what the known issues about copyright. I think we are in a really ought to show up in the conversation! 

It occurs to me, that the GLAM-Wiki Outreach folks, especially in the European Context, have the most experience, by far, in sharing our Copyright framework/strategies to other audiences. It would be super helpful if you weighed in a bit, not only on the copyright law questions themselves, but also shared experiences about outreach and communications challenges related to copyright. 


Alex Stinson


We on the Wikimedia Foundation Legal Team have been working on creating a better and more collaborative process for organizing, streamlining, and completing Wikimedia’s copyright-related work. We’d like to hear from you about it in the next couple weeks, and then we’d like to work together to identify, prioritize, and address copyright issues.

You can read more about the copyright strategy on Meta at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Copyright_strategy, and leave questions and comments on the talk page.


Charles M. Roslof
Legal Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation

NOTICE: This message might have confidential or legally privileged information in it. If you have received this message by accident, please delete it and let us know about the mistake. As an attorney for the Wikimedia Foundation, for legal/ethical reasons I cannot give legal advice to, or serve as a lawyer for, community members, volunteers, or staff members in their personal capacity. For more on what this means, please see our legal disclaimer.

Alex Stinson 
GLAM-Wiki Strategist
Wikimedia Foundation

Learn more about how the communities behind Wikipedia, Wikidata and other Wikimedia projects partner with cultural heritage organizations: http://glamwiki.org