The Foundation established two other kinds of affiliate groups: thematic organizations and user groups as alternatives to chapters. The first is related to a specific activity or "topic" with the two groups I know of being the spinning off of the US Ed program into this category and one group related to medicine.  User groups are more informal and dont require as many hoops to have some kind of official status. we´re working on creating one of these right now for students at my university (there are student groups supposedly, but they dont have the kind of recognition that these organizations do).

The page on thematic organizations is at
and the one on user groups is at

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 12:29:34 -0400
Subject: [GLAM-US] Local GLAM chapters


I'm a WiR for a large consortium of libraries and archives in New York, and I'm trying to establish a system for local GLAMs (of which there are many) to share resources, projects, and events. This would be different but possibly associated with the Wikimedia NYC chapter- the difference between them is that the purpose of this group would be to have GLAMs talking to each other, and right now, Wikimedia functions as more of a training/facilitating/article writing resource as far as I understand.

Has anyone had experience with setting up a localized GLAM-Wiki group or chapter or any ideas about online platforms for this type of group?

I'm considering different options like having a Wiki-Project: GLAM/NY Chapter page, having a local GLAM blog, or a local GLAM Twitter. Other ideas or precedents?


Dorothy Howard, Open Data Fellow
Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO)
212.228.2320 x127

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