I’m excited to announce an upcoming three-part Fall/Winter 2014 webcast series, hosted by the Metropolitan New York Library Council, which which will explore three areas of interest with presentations by leaders of current collaborative Wikipedia projects.
1. Reference and Citation on Wikipedia 2. Wikipedia and Education and 3. Wikipedia and Medicine.
The webcasts will be organized with special attention to librarians and information professionals working in a variety of fields, but will also offer an opportunity for anyone to learn more about a variety of Wikipedia collaborations.
Webcast: Reference and Citation on Wikipedia and the Library Monday, October 27th
The first installment will focus on citation and reference on Wikipedia. This session will include presentations from four different projects: Andy Mabbett, Wikipedian-in-Residence at ORCID (the Open Researcher and Contributor ID, an authority control) and the Royal Society of Chemistry; Jake Orlowitz, founder of the Wikipedia Library; Ed Saperia, Project Lead of the Open Access Reader Project; and Daniel Mietchen, biophysicist and web projects at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin and member of WikiProject Open Access/Signaling OA-ness (Open Access).
To access the first live program, simply visit METRO's YouTube channel between 2:00 PM and 3:15 PM EST (6PM UST) on Monday, October 27th. A direct link to the webcast page will also be posted on the event page at METRO’s website before the live program. An archived recording will be available following the session. Registration is not required.
Stay tuned for more information on the forthcoming 2 webcast installments, “Wikipedia and Education,” (November) and “Wikipedia and Medicine,” (December) featuring project leads in these exciting areas.