Hey Robert,

Max Klein (Wikipedia Loves Libraries) developed a School of Open challenge on Wikipedia for Open Access Week - which involves education about OA to research. Might be a nice introduction to incorporate into one of your sessions, or have your students do as an extra credit or pre-course exercise: https://p2pu.org/en/groups/open-access-wikipedia-challenge/. I'm sure Max is open to improvements or alternate versions of it as well.


On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 9:34 AM, Sage Ross <ragesoss+wikipedia@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Robert!

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 4:50 PM, Robert Patrick Connolly (rcnnolly)
<rcnnolly@memphis.edu> wrote:
> Dear GLAM folks,
> At the University of Memphis, faculty are encouraged to come up with
> proposals for teaching one credit hour courses to incoming Honors Freshman.
> Usually about 20 faculty take this up.  Last year I developed a course
> around Jane McGonigal's Reality is Broken book.  For this coming Fall, I am
> going to create an offering that will be something like Wikipedia as a Tool
> for Scholarly Research.  I suspect the class will fill very quickly and will
> provide an opportunity to raise the visibility of this discussion across the
> campus – hopefully flushing out the naysayers in the process.  The course
> will meet officially for 15 one hour sessions.  I envision that the course
> will include a thorough exploration of Wikipedia, review of networks such as
> GLAM, create some pages, Wikispaces, conduct edit-a-thons and so forth.
> Questions – Do you all have any thoughts on this?  Know of other folks who
> have created similar classes/studies?  Suggestions for topical foci for the
> course?  Or anything else?
> Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this.

This sounds like a very cool course!

I don't know of any courses that specifically focus on Wikipedia as a
research tool, but there have been a number of courses that focus on
Wikipedia in various ways. There were two terms of "Wikipedia and
Public Policy" at Syracuse:

If you're looking for general resources for putting together your
course, these are some good places to start:

Sage (User:Ragesoss)

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