Thanks for sharing Arne!

I love these internationally focused donations. Have you been using Patty Pan? ( I see that you note the GLAM-Wiki toolset for one of them). 



On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 7:36 AM, Arne Wossink <> wrote:
(Apologies for cross-posting)

Dear list-members,

I would like to draw your attention to 3 digital collections originating from Dutch institutions that have recently been made available on Wikimedia Commons:

1. The African Studies Center, Leiden University, donated 756 images made by Roel Coutinho, a Dutch MD working in Guinea-Bissau and Senegal between 1973 and 1974. The images show aspects of daily life such as food preparation, festivities and school and hospital buildings, among other things. The metadata (including Portuguese captions) were prepared by Michele Portatadino, the upload was done by Hans Muller using the GWToolset.

2. The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies and Leiden University Library donated 3114 images to Wikimedia Commons as a follow-up to an earlier donation containing 2400+ images. The new donation contains photos, lithos, drawings, watercolours showing people, landscapes, plantations, plants and butterflies from countries such as Suriname, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan and Singapore. The upload was carried out by Hans Muller.

3. The National Museum of World Cultures (a merger of the former Tropenmuseum, the Museum Volkenkunde and the Afrika Museum) donated a collection of 720 images to Wikimedia Commons. This donation consists of photos of objects from the museum's collection, and of photos taken during Dutch scientific and military expeditions in Suriname and the Dutch East Indies.


Arne Wossink

Projectleider / Project Lead Wikimedia Nederland

(Werkdagen: maandag, dinsdag, donderdag / Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)

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GLAM-Wiki Strategist
Wikimedia Foundation

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