Jason, thanks so much for this feedback. It's exactly the sort of thing we need to hear to keep the motivation up for an event like this.

Dominic, thanks for summarizing your thoughts and work on this. I'm particularly impressed with the schedule :). 

I agree that this is an important next step in the sustainability of GLAM-Wiki. The question of maintaining momentum in the movement was a valid concern to bring up, and I'm pretty proud of this solution that was agreed upon, really rather quickly! I'm looking forward to seeing how things shape up.

I also agree that listing those who are interested in attending or volunteering would be valuable, especially because this event is going to sneak up on us.

Thanks again Dominic,

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 12:35 PM, Dominic McDevitt-Parks <mcdevitd@gmail.com> wrote:
On 2 October 2012 12:08, Another Believer <anotherbelieverwp@hotmail.com> wrote:
"...but for now I just wanted to loop everyone in on what's going on and ask for your thoughts and reactions to the GLAM bootcamp concept."
Not to sound presumptuous or self-serving here, but this is exactly the type of training someone like me needs (a GLAM advocate without established partnerships or enough field experience).

Great! I hadn't even thought this far yet, but we could also start a section on that page for people to register their interest (either in attending or volunteering in some capacity). Would you like to get it started?


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Lori Phillips
Digital Marketing Content Coordinator
The Children's Museum of Indianapolis

US Cultural Partnerships Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation

703.489.6036 | http://loribyrdphillips.com/