Hi Teri,

This might be included in a video series that I'm producing. The videos are likely to be available late this year, and I'm planning to discuss GLAM tools, although time limitations will force tradeoffs regarding which subjects the videos will cover. In the meantime, I'm pinging WMF's new GLAM liason, Alex Stinson, who may be able to point you in the right direction and/or may be able to create relevant documentation.


On May 27, 2016 09:05, "Teri Embrey" <tembrey@pritzkermilitary.org> wrote:

I second the desire for a laymen’s guide for partner analytics for GLAM institutions.  We report monthly to internal stakeholders on the Museum & Library’s Wikipedia contributions.  Having a guide to the analytics so that we could better convey these statistics would be most appreciated.


--Teri Embrey

Theresa A. R. Embrey, MLIS

Chief Librarian

Pritzker Military Museum & Library

104 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 400

Chicago, IL 60603

Email: tembrey@pritzkermilitary.org

Web: www.pritzkermilitary.org

Phone: 312.374.9333

Fax: 312.374.9314


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