Hi folks,
Can you help us pick quality articles about women and gender diversity on Wikipedia and sister projects?
Here are the community suggestions we’ve received so far:
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Women_and_gender_diversity_on_Wikimedia https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Women_and_gender_diversity_on_Wikimedia
Please add your +1’s on that page — and tell us why you recommend your favorite articles.
Our goal is to surface factual, well-written and insightful articles, as part of our month-long focus on women and gender diversity.
Based on your feedback, we’ll publish the top picks tomorrow on the Wikimedia blog.
Many thanks to all the folks who contributed to this community-curated experiment!
Regards as ever,
Fabrice Florin Movement Communications Manager Wikimedia Foundation
Just offhand, I would mention Female Genital Mutilation, that was featured on Valentine's Day. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_genital_mutilation
Also the Women in 2014 article which I learned a lot from, as it was a cultural retrospective of the year, with a lot of tech/ internet events and issues I had not been aware of. I can't seem to find the article now, but I think Sarah (SV) worked on it.
On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 4:49 PM, Fabrice Florin fflorin@wikimedia.org wrote:
Hi folks,
Can you help us pick quality articles about women and gender diversity on Wikipedia and sister projects?
Here are the community suggestions we’ve received so far:
Please add your +1’s on that page — and tell us why you recommend your favorite articles.
Our goal is to surface factual, well-written and insightful articles, as part of our month-long focus on women and gender diversity.
Based on your feedback, we’ll publish the top picks tomorrow on the Wikimedia blog.
Many thanks to all the folks who contributed to this community-curated experiment!
Regards as ever,
Fabrice Florin Movement Communications Manager Wikimedia Foundation
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