I'm not entirely certain that this has a lot to do with civility....although it does certainly have a lot to do with respect for women.  (It also reassures me that my decision to not create a facebook account was wise in more ways than one.)

Nonetheless, one difference that was immediately apparent is the fact that Violentacrez was pretty much at the top of the volunteer heap there: he essentially had control of a large portion of their content, had permissions and accesses even higher than any Wikipedia administrator has, and clearly had direct communication and influence with the staff of Reddit.  I can't think of someone who was equally trollish having the same degree of access or influence on any Wikimedia project.  Yes, we have lots of loud people and rude people and trolls.  But most of them are never granted adminship (and I can think of only one or two who advanced beyond that point in *any* WMF project), and none of them have anywhere near the same degree of control of content. 


On 13 October 2012 16:55, Andreas Kolbe <jayen466@gmail.com> wrote:
What I was most struck by was the hypocrisy: in Reddit's vision, freedom of speech includes anonymously posting invasive images of teenagers, but excludes posting the name of a 49-year-old programmer who anonymously posts invasive images of teenagers. 

No privacy rights for teenage girls, complete privacy rights for those who invade their privacy. There are most definitely parallels to Wikimedia.

On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 10:41 PM, Tom Morris <tom@tommorris.org> wrote:
Unmasking Reddit’s Violentacrez, The Biggest Troll on the Web


"One reason Violentacrez continued to occupy such a high-profile position on Reddit was of course his free speech rhetoric. But Violentacrez has historically had a close relationship with Reddit's staff, a fact far less well-known than his controversial behavior."

"For all his unpleasantness, they realized that Violentacrez was an excellent community moderator and could be counted on to keep the administrators abreast of any illegal content he came across."

Wow, it's like Wikipedia's civility vs. established editors dynamic but with more misogyny, homophobia and racism...

Tom Morris

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