+1 Yay, Sarah! :) 

Anna Koval, M.Ed.
Manager, Wikipedia Education Program
Wikimedia Foundation
+1.415.839.6885 x6729

Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2014 11:52:41 -0700
From: Siko Bouterse <sbouterse@wikimedia.org>
To: "Addressing gender equity and exploring ways to increase the
        participation   of women within Wikimedia projects."
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] WikiWomen's Collaborative Social Media + some
        other   stuff

Welcome back, Sarah!! The WikiWomen's Collaborative wouldn't be so inspired
without you :)

On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 11:44 AM, Sarah Stierch <sarah.stierch@gmail.com>

> Hi everyone,
> I've been feeling inspired (!!!) and have started re-maintaining the
> WikiWomen's Collaborative Twitter and Facebook. Despite my excessive
> bitterness, hahaha, I'm really missing the camaraderie and work that I was
> doing to engage a more diverse audience in participating in the free
> knowledge movement.
> Feel free to e-mail me off list if there are events, blog posts, press
> coverage, or "calls to action" you'd like me to post. I'll post in any
> language as long as there is also an English translation. If you already
> are a maintainer of either the page or Twitter, feel free to post.
> On Facebook we now have over 1,000 likes, and on Twitter we have 1,189
> followers. You can find the two accounts here:
> https://twitter.com/wikiwomen
> https://www.facebook.com/WikiWomensCollaborative
> Like and follow us!
> ----
> On a personal note, ever since Adrianne and Cindamuse died and I earned my
> "outsider within a group of outsiders" status in January I haven't had the
> motivation to contribute to the two areas of work that I deeply care about
> in this "world" of free knowledge - women's engagement and GLAM. I'm trying
> to change that in myself, and not letting the men who tore me down get me
> down (or the mistakes that I have made in the past).
> For the past few months I've been contributing to WikiVoyage and Wikidata
> and I changed my username (back to my old username). No one notices me..
> it's quiet.
> I'm even thinking about putting my feelers out for public speaking and
> workshops again, but, I might be a bad apple no one wants to hear from
> anymore :) As long as funding is available, I am very open minded to
> opportunities. If you hear of anything, or know of anyone looking to hear
> someone speak about lessons learned, the experiences had, evaluation
> practices, grantwriting, how revolution can and continues to take place in
> this community, or you just want a kick ass facilitator for your
> edit-a-thon let me know...
> <3
> Thanks everyone, I appreciate it and the work you are all doing to change
> the world.
> Sarah
> --
> www.sarahstierch.com
> _______________________________________________
> Gendergap mailing list
> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
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Siko Bouterse
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.