Hey Folx -
I am new to the list and relatively new to organizing in this spectrum and context. My work is mainly in bringing queer, but also feminist, green and
other progressive practices (mostly to troubled Croatian Wikipedia,
but also in the region and trans-locally to peers elsewhere).
Leigh thanks for the honest update and I am sorry to hear of email losses,
as well as happy to hear of recovery of control due to tech update :-)
Dysfunctional Croatian language mailing list still needs to recover control.
I am very sorry to hear of losses of so many Wikimedians and though I did not know them, their work as volunteers should maybe at least systematically saved and presented for the collective memory of the movement.
I feel that corporate social media silos do not support that well (as there is little value to extract there), so self hosting and preserving information, knowledge, expressions and impressions should be organized in some way.
I wonder if there is already an established way on META or elsewhere to keep track of people who contributed to the movement and specifically to causes like the people you mentioned here. If not maybe it makes sense to start something.
Best Z. Blace
Hey folks! it's been a while.
The Gendergap mailing list just got migrated to Mailman 3, which means I now have my admin access back (I'd lost access to the previous system and hadn't had a chance to restore it for... several years.)
The list had been set to new posters being moderated, which resulted in a number of messages being caught and I wasn't able to release them. Unfortunately those messages didn't survive the migration, but I've adjusted the moderation settings and going forward new messages should go through.
I've adjusted the list description to be a bit more concise: it is now "Addressing gender equity and exploring ways to increase gender diversity in Wikimedia projects."
This part is sad, but as a heads up and for transparency's sake:
Hope that everyone has been keeping well through this difficult time, and I look forward to seeing more activity on this list in the future with the new Mailman migration.
All the best,