On 13 July 2015 at 21:37, Carol Moore dc <carolmooredc@verizon.net> wrote:
On 7/13/2015 3:50 PM, Valerie Aurora wrote:
Hi folks,

Several people have asked whether the Ally Skills Workshop will be an
unpleasant experience for women attending - specifically, whether men
will dominate the conversation, dismiss what women say, etc. We spend
the first 20 minutes of the workshop setting up discussion rules so
that this doesn't happen - in fact, the workshop is real-world
practice in how to have a discussion in ways that give women an equal
chance to be respectfully heard.

Make sure you tape it and they all know it will be going up online?

I hope not, or it will really, really change the willingness of participants to share their experiences and stories.  In some cases it would have the effect of revictimizing the victims. 

I can sympathize with your wish to see how it goes, Carol - I'll be in a required session a few doors down the hall while this takes place, although I'd really like to participate.  But from the bigger picture, I think it's better that the session not be publicly accessible.
