On Aug 1, 2012, at 10:50 PM, Carol Moore DC <carolmooredc@verizon.net> wrote:


Only one issue that was important enough to bring to a policy talk page as a question, with one response so far. 

Ah the things women and feminists could leak from the places of power they need leaking from... sigh...


The best place to discuss something on en.WP does not generally translate well to other wikis. If you want generally or particularly discuss something at en.WS it all happens at:


A general rule of thumb is look at the dates of the rest of the discussion on a given talk page. If it is not recent, if there are large gaps between posts and replies, then there is probably a better page to use. Recent changes is your friend when searching out the watering holes in an unfamiliar community. 

On the particular topic you are interested in. Here is the main archived discussion:


The Scriptorium also has a search tool for the archives near the top of the main page if you want look for more.  

Without re-reading any of the discussion (and therefore I could only be remembering my personal thoughts here), I recall that the main issue was less philosophical than practical.  Do you plan on actually curating the the XYZ documents that you wish to see on en.WS? Will you arrange them, add contextual links, watchlist them, and stick around? Or do you think just they should exist on en.WS and wish to arrange a duplicate dump of them and the rest of the cables into someone else's lap? 

Discussing this as the "Wikileaks cables" tends to end up with en.WS, or at least myself, balking at being treated as if it were a dumping ground *yet again*. It carries the baggage of all the energy spent (still to be spent) cleaning the bot assisted dumps from en.WP back-in-the-day, the energy spent resisting those who wanted to insist that someone-besides-themselves kept and curated n digits of Pi, the energy spent going researching the copyright of grey area bulk content that was uploaded and abandoned. It tends to be a negative discussion.

However if you find some documents that you want to raise up on en.WS.  Texts that inspire you to stick around, are free content, and otherwise fit the inclusion guidelines. I don't think the fact that the document happened to be a "Wikileaks cable" should be deal-breaker.  But I would frame the discussion with *that* focus, about a small group of documents that you want to work on which happen to have this affiliation. No guarantees, but that is how I would approach it if I was interested in working on that sort of thing.

Birgitte SB