Russavia claims he did not start it.

On Dec 10, 2014 6:09 AM, "" <> wrote:

A few of us live in the dc area as well.


Also in re gards to the google group that russavia started. I think that was done in good faith to allow a more interactive venue where people could chat more real time rather than in a moderated email list. So i wouldnt get too upset about the invitations to it even though some folks dont like him. I think hes just trying to be helpful.


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------ Original message------

From: Lennart Guldbrandsson

Date: Mon, Dec 1, 2014 6:08 AM

To: Gendergap;

Subject:Re: [Gendergap] a gender gap meet-up?


I think that's a great idea, and I would love to come, but it's a long way from Sweden :-/

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

070 - 207 80 05 - arbete - personlig blogg

@aliasHannibal - på Twitter

"Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."
Jimmy Wales

Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 02:07:51 -0800
Subject: [Gendergap] a gender gap meet-up?

Does anyone else feel like it might be time for a gender gap meet-up? I love the mailing list, but it's such a limited (and formal) means of communication. I'm curious what kind of ideas and discussion would come from an in-person get together. I know several of the people on this list are in the Bay Area, so maybe we could put something together in San Francisco or Oakland. Does this sound like an interesting idea to anyone?


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