Yes, constructive and I shall watch with interest.Willing to do my bit exposing, but find I'm having to learn PHP (a website scripting language) first to accomplish what I want to do.


On December 10, 2014 at 7:02 PM Carol Moore dc <> wrote:

On 12/10/2014 5:14 PM, JJ Marr wrote:
> Does anyone have a proposed "action plan" to do anything about this?
First, there definitely are all kinds of groupings and cliques and maybe
even a couple dominated by women. Given it was one particular group of
guys and their allies that went after GGTF, some of us do tend to focus
on them. But in other editing areas it might be some other group.

But obviously there are lots of free lance guys who just let vent at
other editors, especially ones they think might be women.

Anyway, I've been collecting a lot of proposals over the last six months
from this list and all sorts of Wikipedia pages; I have a few other
sources to investigate. At some point after holidays will organize them
by category and add any news ones people see I've forgotten or may come
up with. Research to look at the options is the first step in any good
campaign :-)

Then people can prioritize them both in terms of which they think are
most promising and easiest to enact and in terms of which they
themselves might want to work on. (Eight people working hard on some
minor low priority might be more effective than 20 just generally
supporting a higher priority one. Squeaky wheels get the crease and all
that.) And then come up with specific proposals and plans for getting
them enacted.

I have various sources around on how to plan and actualize a successful
campaign will look at and share the best and most relevant.

And hopefully lots of others will be doing the same! And if somebody
meantime writes that big embarrassing expose filled with great reform
ideas that gets WMF's butt moving, more power to them!! (Feel free to
hurry up so I don't have to! :-)


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